Traditional vs Modular Construction

  • 29 June 2017
  • Declan O'Riordan

Modular construction is a process in which a building, or element of a building, is constructed off-site, under controlled plant conditions, using the same materials and designing to the same standards as conventionally built facilities – but in a lot less time. Buildings are generally produced in “modules” that when put together on site, reflect the identical design intent and specifications of the most sophisticated site-built facility.


  • With the ability for the project to run simultaneously on-site and in-factory, modular construction can offer up to 50% time savings over traditional construction.
  • Weather conditions are often irrelevant during the majority of the project for the off-site construction phase.
  • The factory-based, controlled environment, manufacturing process allows not only for greater quality control during the manufacturing process and reduced health and safely risk. 
  • The process aims to minimise waste and reduce the project’s carbon footprint, as fewer people are travelling to the site and modules are produced directly to spec using Computer Aided Manufacturing.
  • The impact on the community surrounding the construction site can be significantly reduced, due to much lower levels of noise and traffic during the project period
  • The methods employed in modular construction can often benefit the energy efficiency and airtightness of the final construction


  • Access to the site must be considered from the very beginning, as it will need to allow for the delivery of large modules.
  • Traditional construction allows for later design changes, while modular construction is unlikely to be able to factor these in, so early complete design sign off is crucial with clients.
  • Not suitable for all applications.

Rockall Projects have long term experience with modular construction projects and would be happy to offer clients tailored advice on individual projects and the suitability of a modular solution. Contact our Project Managers for more information on how we can help. 


Modular vs Traditional Construction